Last week I was a volunteer at the extra Olympics. sharp how for some children the word "special" can mean something alienating and degrading, while for other children it can mean something empowering and beyond doubt distinguishing. On that singular day, the highlight of my assistance was observing how all the youth who participated in the Games all walked away with an award. Most youth received medals made of an imitation gold & silver, but nonetheless, the youth were ecstatic to have competed at the top of their class. I wonder how many of them knew the races were fixed, assuring all of them would win something; if the youth knew they couldn't loose, I wonder if they still would have been so happy winning?
During that same day, I got to also interact with a handful of youth who run away and hide during the extra Olympics. Although they had been scheduled to participate, these youth didn't want to be identified and labeled as part of the "gifted and talented."
3Rd Grade Math Practice
For these children, the phenomenon pushes beyond just hiding during the "Special Olympic" games, it also involves running in the morning from the minute yellow bus that comes to bring the "mentally and physically challenged" students to the collective school; their fleeing has come to be a way of life; the youth I refer to are the ones who, although supposed to be on that bus, never would set foot on it. They run the other way when they see it approaching so that their peers don't see that they are in the "special" program.
When I was in elementary school, I remember the soccer coach production the "Magic Seven." There were practically 20 players on the soccer team, but our 2 coaches had superior 7 of the fastest and hardest hitting. I wasn't one of them. And I remember feeling sad when during institution the "magic 7" would get to break away from the whole team and institution separately on the other soccer field. I had always wanted to be part of the "Magic 7," but never made it. In order to growth my self-esteem, I'd frequently day dream myself practicing with them.
Then I remember colse to the same time there was a schedule called, "G.T." That stood for... Drum roll... Gifted and talented. Of course, the students who wrote the more introspective essays and could solve the harder math problems were superior into the "gifted and talented" program; and of course... Can you believe it... I didn't make the cut. I felt on the verge of stupid at that point, and this was still 3rd grade.
So we've got this idea of the "special" students. It seems to me that somehow it creates a dynamic for everyone, some to feel empowered and some to feel dis-empowered. To be labeled (depending of the connotation of the label) could mean a great boost to your self-esteem or a great hindrance.
Now to what extent are we all special? To me the word extra means unique, one of a kind, or very seldom to occur.
That means if something which happened seldom, all of the sudden began happening all the time, then it wouldn't be extra anymore, right? Well, we could say that about miracles too. If birth happened all the time then it would no longer be a miracle right? But it does, and still many citizen reconsider birth to be a miracle. So I can be extra and you can be extra and if we were all extra that doesn't mean being extra is worthless.
But I still probe the question, why does society cut off some gifted students from other gifted students? Is it beyond doubt that some of us are gifted and talented while others are not? Is that beyond doubt what's going on? Or is it much deeper than that? Is it a means for those in power to reserve their power? By not integrating and socializing with those who don't have their "required" skill set and talents, a theory of oppression breathes.
Perhaps while building community, we would be much more successful if we understood as Mos Def in the starting of his album, Black on Both Sides says, "People get better when they realize they are valuable." If those who are in the "honor" classes could see that they have much to learn from those in the "mentally and physically challenged" classes, then possibly we could beyond doubt begin building sustainable society based on an equal transfer of ideas and inspiration.
Because, we are all gifted and talented, we are all special... We are all capable of doing something that no one else in the world is able to do. That is the basis of community. anything it is we lead is what society is... And all society is extra based upon the fact it is happening, just as a birth, a miracle.
So I confess to all of you, I am mentally and physically challenged. I am also mentally and physically gifted. I surrender myself to the "Special Olympics," and now, plainly wonder if everyone can win?
written by Hawah
What Is special - Lessons Learned While Volunteering At The Olympics
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