Do you know about - A Seo consultant Shares How "This Class Was Banned!"
3Rd Grade Math! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.One day an entrepreneur presented the chalkboard presentation you are about to read to 7 people, one of them acted on the data and retired wealthy in under one year. He went on to write international best sellers books that have been translated into dozens of languages. The other 6 habitancy spent the rest of their lives as worker bees and are whether dead or dead broke!
What I said. It is not outcome that the true about 3Rd Grade Math. You read this article for info on what you want to know is 3Rd Grade Math.How is A Seo consultant Shares How "This Class Was Banned!"
Soon it will be your occasion to make a decision based on the same facts. Read closely as the guy at the chalkboard was the one that took action and speaks from experience.
This data is so threatening that in 2009, after he was invited to deliver it at a major university, the hierarchy at that same custom censored him. In fact this "Class was Banned".
Chalkboard Presentation
There are two "Economic Plans" in this world today - The 40 Year Plan and the 4 Year Plan
The 40 Year Plan:
It's a giant Pyramid scheme in which the top 1% operate 95% of all assets. That is how a Pyramid works and that is a statistical fact about North America.
Fact: The Drones Do All the Work and the Elite, even if there associates fail, get multi-billion dollar every year bonuses, that flow directly from the bottom 95%.
For 50 years those that are in power have private the fact that the 40 Year Plan is a Pyramid and denied that the 4 Year Plan is the last bastion of free enterprise.
Those engaged in the 40 Year Plan are little more than digital share croppers and virtual worker bees who have grown so weary that they have virtually given up.
"Do Not!!!...there is an option.
In the 40 Year Plan, essentially you come to be what I would call a "Drone" a "Worker Bee". Statistically this is what happens.
At age 25 most of us have a sense of direction and at age 65 there is a very keen statistic that occurs - after 40 years. For 40 Years the median person goes back and forth to work, back and forth, back and forth like a silly sick caged lion. And after 40 years on this plan, and it does not matter, Drones are Drones, your uniform may be a little blue shirt with a name tag, it may be a white coat and a stethoscope, and there are separate uniforms for separate drones. But these habitancy go back and forth to work for 40 years of the 40 Year Plan. Here is the compelling statistic, out of every 100 American's who starts at age 25 with a sense of direction, by age 65, 31 are dead, 68 are broke and 1 person is independently wealthy.
The 40 Year Plan is what we teach and what our kids have been taught for years and years and years. It is hokum compared to the 4 Year Plan. Now please understand, here is the lure of the 40 Year Plan, its called composition Interest. And the way that works is if you can get your hands on 0,000.00 and go straight through 5 cycles of life that each last 8 years.
Remember composition Interest means that your money doubles every 8 years. So if you could get your hands on 0,000 dollars at age 25. Let's say that you work hard from age 22 to age 25 and you get your hands on that 0,000 dollars, here is the attractiveness of it.
Here is what you earn in the 5 year cycle - its called composition Interest and it is the way that the Drones and worker Bees make their money in the 40 Year Plan:
1st 8 years cycle = $ 200,000
2nd 8 years cycle = $ 400,000
3rd 8 years cycle = $ 800,000
4th 8 years cycle = $ 1.6 million
5th 8 year cycle = $ 3.2 million
which gives you ,000 a month for retirement.
Let me ask you a question? Have you got a 0,000 dollars in checking? Do you think you will ever have 0,000 in checking, or in savings that you can put in a interest list for five - 8 year cycles so you can retire with .2 million dollars, and bye-the-way if you started today that .2 million in 40 years, based on the cost of living increases and regular inflation at current rates, would be worth about 0,000. an additional one words, you would be living below the poverty level if you stayed on the 40 Year Plan!
Now that is what the 40 Year Plan is all about!
Now what happened was, this guy steps up to the blackboard and he erases the 40 Year Plan and replaces it with the 4 Year Plan.
Is a clear alternative to former capitalism that offers rapid and dramatic monthly wage tied to legitimate products or services rather than investments that fund composition Interest?
It's inherent to fail or effect in whether plan but there are two huge differences.
1) Fail at the 4 Year Plan and you are out a merge of hundred dollars and a few months worth of effort.
2) Fail at the 40 Year Plan, like 99% do and your headed for an elderly dormitory where you will run out the clock playing "Bingo" for toaster ovens with oatmeal dribbling down your chin.
Succeed in the 4 Year Plan and your well on your way to being wealthy in 40 months.
Succeed in the 40 Year Plan and you will be able to pay cash for the hearing aids and the galvanic cart you will be using to get nearby WalMart and hear the nice lady or man on the loud speaker announce the sale on "Jell-o".
The 4 Year Plan is so keen because it allows habitancy to basically get complicated in a schedule that will allow them to shop for great products at home that are shipped to them on a regular basis and come to be wealthy in 4 years instead of tying your assets to any kind of security, real estate, speculation or financial sector expert. There is no principle to manage, there is no problem, and basically it is called critical with Interest.
In the 4 Year Plan, and this shocked me when I seen it, lets say it cost 0.00 to come to be a representative of a firm that markets products that you are excited about and that every person already uses. Toothpaste, shampoo, soap whatever, I am a great believer in re-directed spending rather than behavioral modification.
Lets say you get 12 habitancy in your first year, that all spend 0.00 to get started and are spending 0 a month on goods themselves, but they are not unmistakably because every person they bring in for 0.00 they earn say 40% (they get 0) from that starter kit.
If you bring in 1 person a month for a year you then have 12 habitancy who bring in 1 person who is shopping for free for 0 that is creating ,200 in volume.
In the 2nd year that 12 becomes 144 (the Federal Trade Commission and the Regulators of the government hate it when you try and pretend that there will be a mathematically certainty of growth, there will not be, you might have to get 150 habitancy to find 12 who will stay with you).
So lets just be honest for once, the 4 Year Plan is as it implies, there is a lot of money in it, but it is going to be hard, hard work.
You have 12 habitancy who are capable of getting 1 person a month, now you have 144 habitancy at 0, do your own calculations.
Then in the 3rd year every person just got 1 person, and again, they will not, I am just giving you an idea here, you would have 1,600 habitancy at 0. You can do the math yourself, get out your calculator.
There are hundreds of companies; they all pay separate amounts with separate overrides in commissions. The point is in the 4 Year Plan your Capital is tied to a "Proprietary Funding Vehicle" and its principle is interest rather than trusting person in the financial business to spend your money in WorldCom or Enron just in time for the collapse.
And in the 4th year and this is why we call it the 4 Year Plan, you would have roughly 20,000 habitancy at 0 a month. I am not going to do any wage projections, get out your own calculator.
Some associates are going to pay you on these 20,000 habitancy a small percentage, maybe 2 - 5% some are going to pay you 8% but get your calculator out and run the numbers. In the 4th year you have 20,000 goods consumers who are ordering 0 a month for their families to use, you are sitting on 20,000 x 100 that is million in the backwoods of Missouri and I guess it is in your hometown too. Do the math, what would you get on million a month, rights Funding critical of Interest that comes to you by FedEx.
The 40 Year Plan is for Drones, and I do not care what uniform you are wearing, if you are working 60 - 70 hour weeks, fighting traffic, carrying a cell phone. If you are tethered all day to a wireless feed drip of irreverent garble, like a text machine, if your twitting, hey, switch to the 4 Year Plan!
Your getting this data for free, the think you are getting it for free, is because the presenter of the presentation cannot believe in this day and age, that he could be censored and banned, from teaching this to a graduate Economics class in a major university. That is how scared the habitancy in Power are of you looking out what he found out in April of '86.
One fact cannot be debated, the man delivering this chalkboard presentation decided to join the "New Game", in 11 months he was earning sufficient to semi-retire and move to a Aspen Ski home. Since then he has coached 1,000's of habitancy worldwide and written several best sellers.
The person who directed you to this presentation is in Our Plan or you would not be reading this. Switch Plans and change your life or ignore this message like the 6 others who saw it at the same time it was presented and stay the same.
Most of those who ignored this chalkboard presentation are now calling the presenter for help. Unfortunately they have wasted years, so we urge you to change Plans Today!
I do not know what you are going to do with this information, but when the learner who retired first saw this chalkboard demonstration, he did not sleep for a week, he was crazy, he was trembling, thinking how come every person does not know about this and the "mentor" that showed him the chalkboard presentation said "Well, because no body dares to teach this in schoraly circles", it should be started in the first grade. In the first grade habitancy should be exposed to the 4 Year Plan and it should evolve throughout all their education; instead we have reached a point where he is no longer allowed to teach it at the college level. That is because it is "too volatile" because they are turning out "Drones" and that is all they want drones and worker bees for profits for themselves.
As the learner of the presenter said "Listen to me carefully, the 40 Year Plan is not do able anymore, the 4 Year Plan is great, I got on it and it took me 11 months to move to Aspen as I have said and the rest of my life has been an absolute fairytale. No degree, no extra skills, no wealthy parents, no funding, no money, no real estate, no cash, all I did was get complicated in the 4 Year Plan and I worked hard and in 11 months it was like woopie-de-do-zippy-do-dah, every month the cheques came in".
Principal Interest based on rights Funding Vehicles I hope the 40 Year Plan excites you but I hope the 4 Year Plan changes your Life.
The fellow who I am talking about told me about his being banned from teaching this 4 Year Plan only 4 months ago that was December 2009.
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