Most studying disabled students enter extra education, because they are not studying at the same pace as their peers. To be eligible for extra services, students take many extra tests determined at a preeligibility meeting. The students' scores must be statistically critical for him/her to be eligible.
Many administrators, psychologists, teachers and "experts" believe that extra instruction students make little, if any, develop from year to year. The unchanging nature of those students is the logic behind administering eligibility (excluding academic) testing every 6 years instead of every 3 years. That is the former reason given, but other reason is money. Since psychologists or teachers on extra assignment (Tosa) are expensive, there is motivation to cut the ask for their time. Realistically, there is commonly no need to continually waste instructional time by having students miss classes to take repetitive tests that essentially mean nothing except rule eligibility.
3Rd Grade Math Practice
The schoraly assessment tests are what rule whether or not the learner is development progress. Usually, professionals are "happy" to see the learner make 1-6 months gain over a year. They are happy to see those types of gains because they are typical for studying disabilities students. Unfortunately, most studying disabled students do make those types of gains, with a typical ceiling of develop in the middle of 3rd and 4th grade levels of performance.
Having a studying disability does not mean the child can't or won't learn. It means that the child learns differently and/or at a distinct pace from others. Many students' problems can disappear with specific, direct instruction. This does not mean reading from a script for instructional purposes in a scientifically researched program. It does mean seeing ways to teach both the strengths and the weaknesses of the child.
Rarely do educators, whether extra or general, sufficiently understand studying and developmental theories and practices to impact deviant learners' instruction. Normal instruction teachers are required to teach out of prescribed texts and at a pace allowing them to cover all the article required for that grade/class level. Even more rarely do extra instruction teachers understand the inequity in the middle of a cognitive delay and an inability to learn article presented in any way.
The shame in instruction is that assigning a learner the label of extra instruction (whatever designation) commonly condemns that learner to lower expectations (parental and teachers') and poor ability and pacing of instruction. Students learn to believe those lower expectations, giving excuses that they can't or are disabled or unable to learn, and accomplish accordingly. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle that need not happen.
Poor performances by studying disabled students should not be suitable to the student, the parents or the teachers. Yes, they will have difficulties studying to read or do math, but that doesn't mean they can't or won't. It does mean it might take them a minute longer. It does mean they might need some extra interventions or strategies. It does not mean giving up and accepting what has all the time been because it has all the time been that way. It does mean seeing a good way, a good approach or educator or materials to be used. It does not mean giving up. It does mean seeing for answers. Maybe you will find them at Parents Teach Kids.
see page special study Does Not Mean Not studying
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